Excellent work.
This song is perfect for my friends game that he is making. Would you mind us using it in the game? I'll credit you.
Excellent work.
This song is perfect for my friends game that he is making. Would you mind us using it in the game? I'll credit you.
sure use it ;)
Can I make a cover for this? I've listened to it a thousand times and I now know how to play it by ear. Great work.
Would LOVE to hear your cover of this! Awesome, dude.
What he said. ^ xD
This song is sex.
This is most deffinatley one my most favortie songs on the newgrounds audio portal and by you guys. Keep up the great work and stay metal! \m/
Thanks very much!! Only one guy! Glad you dig it muchly! Thanks again, for the kick ass review!\m/
@ the guy below
That was deep....NIce work btw.
Epic, do it.
Epic to the max.
Not bad, not bad at all. I agree with the guy below, long intro makes for an epic build up, this song would be great in a video game. Hell, the damn thing would be great in a video game.
FUCK YES! Great song I can see why this got you liad so many times I am tempted wright something based from this its juat that good NICE!
Quality you are right not so good but song is epic and your words are epic! Right on
:D Hey thanks alot man! i want to remix it at a studio once i get my shit together.
thank you kindly for taking the time to review!! --keep it metal!!
Joined on 6/14/07